Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Beastie Boys are at it again with their new album, Hot Sauce Committee Part 2.  From throwback funk on the track "Nonstop Disco Powerpack" to an onslaught of vocoders on "OK" the Boys are back and sound hungry to remind all of those that their iconic hip-hop is still going strong.

Besides the fact that you'll think that your speakers are evaporating with every drop of the bass on the track "Too Many Rappers", it also screams classic Beastie with raw battle-style lyrics like, “Oh, my God –- just look at me / Grandpa been rapping since ’83”.  It's hard to believe that after three decades as pioneers of the hip-hop scene and not getting that great of a response to their last album To the Five Boroughs, that the Boys would be back to throw down an album that is of the same caliber as Licensed to Ill.  

Take a listen for yourself, this album will definitely be on repeat. Each track brings something new, its like you almost can't even wait for a song to finish because you're so excited to hear the next one.  Seriously digging "Funky Donkey" because you just can't get enough of dat funk, and "Lee Majors Come Again" is a punk rock/hip-hop combo that only the Beastie Boys could pull off.

don't even try and download this illegally, stop being cheap and BUY THIS ALBUM!

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